We were booked to provide String Quartet at Farbridge Barn for the wedding of Josh and Samantha. They got really lucky with the weather, and the sun was shining and the sky was a perfect clear blue.
We arrived at Farbridge Barn and set up in the ceremony room. The Barn was beautifully decorated (as always) and there was a stunning cake on display. Yum!

We had arrived quite early and Sophie had kindly made us all a salad pitta bread sandwich to give us some energy before the guests arrived. Thanks Soph!

The guests entered the ceremony room and we played a selection of gentle tunes. Then the bride and her bridesmaids entered to Cristina Perri’s A Thousand Years. After the ceremony, we played during the signing of the register and we played Beach Boys’ God Only Knows, and the music from the film, “Up” .
Once the marriage certificate had been presented, we played Jason Mraz’s I’m Yours for the newly weds and their congregation to exit the ceremony room.
We moved to the drinks reception, set up quickly and continued to entertain with a variety of our favourite upbeat repertoire, Meghan Trainor’s All About That Bass was good fun, and Muse’s Starlight.

All in all, a fun wedding. We stopped for a Quartet Selfie afterwards outside the venue…. totes necessary!